So ya, life's coo'
Nothing absurdly great, but I can not complain. As much as i'd like to be a pro gamer these days ever since I started working I noticed a decline in my gaming activity.
This is not a bad thing.
In fact it's pretty much for the better.
However, when I do play competitively in a game, I then loathe losing. And I know damn well the only way to get better is to Play more.
I don't know, I consider myself to be a well balanced, and sane individual. I can talk myself into and out of problems or solutions. Regardless of this, I still can't stand losing when I know I;m better than this. I love my life as a non gamer, but as far as I get, I have to face it.
I've got way too much of a competitive side. :(
And I'll always be a gamer, whether I want to or not. >:(
In other, perhaps related news, I've gotten my awesome shirt through mail finally. Soon i'll be getting a Video Card for my PC (bout time) and maybe a new keyboard. Oh also, some new Gamecube 'trollers. Just cause. XD
In time, i'll be able to own most, not all, but most.
I'll keep hopeful.
Besides, I own in RL anyway, so that's coo.